0800 RD SFTY | 0800 73 73 89 ric@stms.nz

Shepherd Traffic Management Solutions

Covering Wellington, Wairarapa, Manawatu & Kapiti Regions (Lower North Island)

Shepherd Traffic Management Solutions is a locally-owned company in Wairarapa, also covering the Wellington, Manawatu & Kapiti Regions (Lower North Island). Our business offers a variety of professional services, such as traffic management for events and forestry harvesting, to help with the specific needs of our clients.


Shepherd Traffic Management Solutions in Wairarapa, Wellington Region is looking for skilled and driven individuals to join the team!

Shepherd Traffic Management Solutions is the only company in the industry that carries an automated external defibrillator (AED). We carry one due to the fairs, events, and festivals we work in, plus the fact that we often work in remote locations.

Our business is an approved traffic management company for the Masterton, Carterton and South Wairarapa district councils in the Wellington Region / Lower North Island. Shepherd Traffic Management Solutions also holds generic traffic management plans from all Four councils.

Another thing that makes our business unique is that it is the only local traffic management company that has a purpose-built traffic management truck. This allows us to make the site safer and enables me to work on bigger roading sites.

Event Traffic

Pedestrian Management

Pedestrian Management

Council Works

Council Works

Local Contractors

Local Contractors

About STMS


We have many years of experience working in this industry; 32 years to be exact including working on the Auckland Motorway Network as level 2/3 Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS).

The company was started in 2017 due to our disappointment in the way the practical side of other traffic management services lapsing in terms of safety and pride in their work.